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How we are different from the countless other reading programs out there?

Ask our fans. We hope you'll become a fan too! 

All three of my children are reading above grade level.

I cannot say enough good things about this program. I am now using Explode the Code online with my third child who asks daily if she gets to go on today. All three of my children are reading above grade level. I could not be more pleased with their reading progress or with this product which has been a large part of that progress. -Brenda S.

I love the teacher's dashboard.

My 5-year-old son has been using Explode The Code for about a month now and loves it. There is a clear improvement in his reading and pronunciation since he has started. I love the teacher's dashboard. It helps me keep track of the time he has spent playing. It also lets me know how he is doing on each of the assignments. His favorite part is that he earns a badge after every assignment, not a grade. I will be happy to post updates in the future. But, if asked for my opinion, I would recommend this to anybody and everybody looking for a way to teach their child to read. -Eddie Y.

In less than two weeks, she has started trying to sound out words in her books.

My husband and I ordered Explode-The-Code as a last ditch effort to get our 2nd grader to become interested in learning to read. As soon as our login arrived, she dove in a started "playing". In less than two weeks, she has started trying to sound out words in her books. Her skills level have risen and her confidence soared. She loves earning the butterflies and bees, often working for an hour or more, even after I've told her she could stop. We are really impressed with how quickly this program worked for her, and plan to order it again next year for our son. -Lisa B.

I have to say, ETC Online goes above and beyond my expectation. It is everything it claims to be.

I use this with my two younger children, ages 5 and 8. Both children use the computer regularly and have no tolerance for cheesy computer games and programs. For the past two years I have used the ETC workbooks with the 8 year old, and I was nervous trying the Online format. I have to say, ETC Online goes above and beyond my expectation. It is everything it claims to be. My children love it and ask to do it every day. They are excelling in phonics, and strive to "earn the Airplane" in every unit. The program is challenging, but because its leveling is automatic, it's never frustrating. I give it 5 stars! -C. O.

We have battled for 2 years with 4 different phonics curriculums to get (my son) to read. We started using the ETC online and he LOVES it!

I have a 6 year old (almost 7). I've had a difficult time teaching him to read. He loses interest quickly and has a very difficult time putting his blends together to sound out words. We have battled for 2 years with 4 different phonics curriculums to get him to read. We started using the ETC online and he LOVES it! He asks to do phonics every day and I can get 25 minute lessons in easily. He loves that after completing his daily assignments he is rewarded with a short online game. This curriculum has been a lifesaver for our family! My son is progressing better than ever and I no longer feel like I need to get him tested for learning disabilities! (Yes, it was getting to that point.) -Eliane O.

I have recommended ETC online to every parent that I know who is concerned about their child's progress in reading.

I love using Explode the Code Online! I used it with my oldest who went from reading on a 2nd grade level to a 5th grade level in one year. She is a great speller as well, and I attribute a lot of her success to ETC. I am now using it with my younger child and I am seeing progress with him as well. My kids like using the computer for their practice rather than another workbook. I really appreciate the reports and the auto-leveling features because I know that my child can't move on until he has mastered the level. It forces him to focus and attend to his practice if he wants to move forward. I have recommended ETC online to every parent that I know who is concerned about their child's progress in reading. -Erica F.

I tell everyone about this program. In my job I get to help other families like mine with special needs kids and this is one of the best programs on the market.

I love Explode the Code, because is very simple to use and teaching comprehension. I will continue to use it year after year until my boys complete the entire program. I tell everyone about this program. In my job I get to help other families like mine with special needs kids and this is one of the best programs on the market. -Jo C.

My favorite part is the student report page that gives excellent information on each child's progress and even tips on how they can improve.

I love Explode the Code for my 6 year old son. The online version (we use a tablet) works great for a busy Mom. It is user friendly so even young children can work independently. It also keeps track of their progress and makes adjustments based on their performance. My favorite part is the student report page that gives excellent information on each child's progress and even tips on how they can improve. Overall my son and I both love the program and he looks forward to "playing" on his tablet each day. The tablet version has a few glitches at times, but nothing that would keep me from using it or recommending the software to others. So thankful we were able to purchase this through the co-op! -Jessica.

The lessons are quick and enjoyable. She retains more from ECT Online than any other method we have tried.

My daughter has been making very slow progress in phonics since September. I ordered ETC Online the first week of March. She has rapidly progressed in this past month. Her ablities have improved more in the last month than the six months prior. The lessons are quick and enjoyable. She retains more from ECT Online than any other method we have tried. We will continue to use it until she completes all the levels. -Lori D.

It is a major win in our home.

I purchased Explode the Code Online for 3 of my children this year. It is my kids' favorite part of their school day. I have the settings set so they can stop after 20 minutes. Today I had to make my son stop so others could get their turn. It is a major win in our home. It gives them extra practice with phonics and I can use the teacher's site and track weaknesses and know how to help them best. -Amy J.

I like how it verbally reinforces what they're seeing on the screen and helps with their reading!

My daughter has used Explode the Code for over 1 year now and we liked it so much we renewed our membership for this school year. I like how it verbally reinforces what they're seeing on the screen and helps with their reading! Overall, a great program, even for when my daughter is just starting to read. -K. L.

Easy for the kids to use and tracks progress through the units, repeating key areas, if needed.

I love explode the code online. We have been purchasing it through the co-op off and on for about 12 years-using it with all 5 of our kids in Kindergarten and 1st grade. We much prefer it over the explode the code books. Easy for the kids to use and tracks progress through the units, repeating key areas, if needed. Great value through the co-op! -Cindy G.

I'm looking forward to seeing how much his phonics and reading skills improve over the next few months!

My son struggles in reading, so I thought we'd give Explode the Code a try. He enjoys the online lessons and likes earning the butterfly badges when he successfully completes a lesson. I'm looking forward to seeing how much his phonics and reading skills improve over the next few months! -Carol D.

I also like that you can go straight to the assessment test for each level, so your not wasting any time.

I purchased Explode the Code, through the co-op here recently. My son has dyslexia and has struggled to get to where he is now. I started him at level 1 and moved him up after making sure he already knew all the info in the level. He has already finished several phonics programs before this, but most of the rules were not sticking. I am excited to see him progressing each day with Explode the Code. I also like that you can go straight to the assessment test for each level, so your not wasting any time. -Sarah B.

My 5 year old loves explode the code on iPad!

My 5 year old loves explode the code on iPad! It gives him a break from the books & he thinks he is getting to play but still learning! Win win for teacher & student. -Mom o.

I like the real time information it gives the parent and shows the strengths and weaknesses of the student.

We are using ETC online for our morning work routine every day. I like the real time information it gives the parent and shows the strengths and weaknesses of the student. We will continue to use it this school year. -Katie F.

he is writing out sentences because of this program!!

My son has been using it for a month and we love it he is writing out sentences because of this program!! Very pleased!!! -Elizabeth C.

I can already see a difference in his reading.

I purchased this for my seven year old who was struggling with reading. He has loved playing/working on the Explode the Code computer version. We have used it on both the iPad and the computer and both work great. He typically uses the iPad because he can play it anywhere. I can already see a difference in his reading. He is decoding words much better. -Lori W.

My daughter is really becoming a great decoder.

My daughter is really becoming a great decoder. Also, she almost always gets her spelling words correct before we go over them now. -B. G.

It has been the best complete program I've found.

I have used Explode the Code online in addition to the books with all 3 of my kids. It has been the best complete program I've found. I'm using it right now with my youngest, who has been a reluctant reader, and she begs to do it. I recommend this to everyone! -Dyann P.

Our daughter is progressing and learning quicker than if I was teaching her!

Explode the Code online is great! Our daughter is progressing and learning quicker than if I was teaching her!She enjoys it. -Ms. K.

His reading in English is making huge strides using ETC online. I highly recommend it!

I having been using the ETC workbooks for years with my children and liked them. I love the online version even more! My son whom we adopted from China a year ago is ten years old. His reading in English is making huge strides using ETC online. I highly recommend it! -Leslie.

After 3 weeks he is reading better, but more importantly he has confidence that he can read. That's the biggest difference and what makes this momma smile!

Our son had gotten it in his head that he was stupid and couldn't read because of a bad experience in school. Truthfully phonics is not my strong suit so I didn't feel like I could teach him the best way or the easiest way. I purchased Explode the Code for him. He was not excited at all and there were tears the first couple of times we sat down together. But tears have turned to smiles!!!! We do 10 min a day together. He does the work, but I sit with him for encouragement. He's a different kiddo!! After 3 weeks he is reading better, but more importantly he has confidence that he can read. That's the biggest difference and what makes this momma smile! -Natalie.

I think this is a great program.

I think this is a great program. I do wish the program gave an assessment at the start so that it would know exactly where to start my daughter. She enjoys the practice. -K. H.

This has been a great resource for my 1st grader. He can do it independently!

With us in the midst of a busy season and me falling behind in our phonics lessons, this has been a great resource for my 1st grader. He can do it independently! My 9, 7, and 5 year old all look forward to it because it seems so fun to do school on the computer. With the books I planned on buying this year, this discounted online program offered me a better deal financially. I have enjoyed this product and I have told others about it! -Emily.

I am so happy that I purchased Explode the Code online to use with my 7 year old son.

I am so happy that I purchased Explode the Code online to use with my 7 year old son. He has been diagnosed with dyslexia and it is a great supplement to another program that we use. Usually I have him do three sessions at a time but he always wants to do more. I can see progress in his reading. -Felicia.

This has definitely helped my daughter with her reading.

This has definitely helped my daughter with her reading. Great product. -Kathi L.

I also LOVE the teacher area which not only lets me know where the gaps are in his learning, but also gives suggestions on what I can do to help fix them!

I have two boys using ETC. My youngest, age 7, has severe ADHD and is a reluctant reader. ETC has helped quite a bit with his reading. He doesn't always have the easiest time with ETC but I like how it keeps placing him back for him to practice a skill he needs work on. I also LOVE the teacher area which not only lets me know where the gaps are in his learning, but also gives suggestions on what I can do to help fix them! My older son, age 9, is breezing through the program but also seems to benefit from it. There were a few areas he has trouble with that I was not aware he was struggling with. I would DEFINITELY recommend this program to anyone who wants to help their child to be able to read better. It really does make a difference. -Tiffany B.

It's already helped her make the connection with sounding out words!

We've been using Explode the Code a couple of times a week with our four-year-old daughter. It's already helped her make the connection with sounding out words! She's always excited to use it, so I'm really glad we bought the membership! :) -Laurel.

They LOVE the games and I love how it reinforces what they learn in a way that they WANT to do it

We are using Explode the Code Online with two of our daughters. I am really liking the way it is working for them. I do think that they need to be used WITH the books though. It is more of an exercise with them and doesn't actually TEACH them how the phonics work. The books do though. They LOVE the games and I love how it reinforces what they learn in a way that they WANT to do it. I plan on continuing to use it and renew my subscription to it next year. I would heartily recommend this to anyone wanting to reinforce phonics with their children. -Carol B.

I love the progress page where I can see detailed evidence of how my child is doing.

Excellent program- I love the progress page where I can see detailed evidence of how my child is doing. -Peg.

My 7 yr old son has finally gotten back on track with his reading!

My 7 yr old son has finally gotten back on track with his reading! I love the phonics-based instruction and he loves the games! -E. A.

My son LOVES using Explode the Code online!

My son LOVES using Explode the Code online! It's very motivating with the frequent reward buttons. He works hard to try to earn an airplane or butterfly. I love that I can view his progress and easily see where he needs more practice. Handwriting is difficult for him, but doing the exercises on the computer allows him to focus on the phonics rather than stress over handwriting. -Stacey M.

My girls now love to read! They are more confident because of their increased ability to decode words on their own.

Hello, I had recently purchased The "Explode The Code" program for my 6yr old and 8yr old girls. I had also purchased the workboks in order to apply what they are learning from the online program. My girls now love to read! They are more confident because of their increased ability to decode words on their own. My girls love to earn the different buttons and compete with one another to see who can get the most points. I paid for a personal phonics tutor in the past for my oldest. During that whole time I had spent $350.00. My daughter hated to read and had a stuttering problem. Now, for only $35.00 for the yr per child I can homeschool my children with confidence that the "Explode the Code" program works! -Mrs. P.

The reward system is very motivating. Sometimes they even do extra lessons beyond what I assign.

I have 3 children ages 10, 8 & 5 using Explode the Code online and they all love it. I love to see how excited they get when they get an airplane. The reward system is very motivating. Sometimes they even do extra lessons beyond what I assign. My 5 yr old is learning very quickly to read and spell and it's "hands free" teaching for me:) -Jennifer T.

I love that this program will automatically place my child depending on her progress.

I love that this program will automatically place my child depending on her progress. She is learning well with this program. I also really like that I can place her in whatever lesson I choose depending on if I think she needs to repeat a lesson, or if we simply need to work on something farther ahead in the book. -Jami F.

After three full weeks of just 20 minutes a day, I am astounded at what he is learning on multiple levels.

My 2nd grade daughter did ETC workbooks and loved them last year. My Kindergartner son (this year) hates workbooks at this stage, so I thought this a great alternative. After three full weeks of just 20 minutes a day, I am astounded at what he is learning on multiple levels. We do it together. The tracking information for the teacher is great just to measure progress. I plan to use it at least 4 days a week, 20 minutes a day until Jan 2013, and then perhaps increase the time a bit. We have our great days and our good days. No bad days yet :)! He is fully engaged. -H. L.

I am thoroughly impressed! Highly recommended!

I LOVE Explode-the-Code online. And more importantly, so does my son! He is a reluctant reader/speller, but is making amazing progress with this program. I am thoroughly impressed! Highly recommended! -Lisa A.

I like that I can easily check her progress and access her understanding, so I can reinforce the skills that she struggles with.

I bought Explode the Code online after having used the Explode the Code Primers and first 3 workbooks with my 5 year old daughter. She has really been enjoying the online version. It is motivating, she loves counting her buttons, and she often asks to do Explode the Code online outside of her "school" time. I like that I can easily check her progress and access her understanding, so I can reinforce the skills that she struggles with. I highly recommend this program. -Cathy K.

My son LOVES this program. It's really nice to see him enjoy it so much that he asks to do it.

My son LOVES this program. It's really nice to see him enjoy it so much that he asks to do it. He looks forward to his little pins he gets after each lesson. I love that the lessons are short enough for his little attention span yet he learns and remembers each lesson so well that he really doesn't get frustrated. I highly recommend this program. -J. M.

Now she's only 7 and reading at a fifth grade level!

My daughters have both had a great experience with ETC. We bought it when my oldest and I were having some clashes over reading time, ETC helped her continue her progress more independently. Now she's only 7 and reading at a fifth grade level! I have four friends who also use with their kids. -Carra S.

My 8 year old son had been struggling with reading and is now excited to try!

My 8 year old son had been struggling with reading and is now excited to try! He is REALLY proud of himself when he receives a paper airplane as a reward for getting all the answers correct! -Kathy A.

After almost a month of using explode the code online, my son still loves doing it. He is picking up reading and doing well.

So far the program has been working great for my son. In the past, reading time was a real big struggle. My son didn't like it and I was having a hard time with my patience with him. After almost a month of using explode the code online, my son still loves doing it. He is picking up reading and doing well. It also is a lot easier for me with 5 little ones. -I. P.

We love it! ... I like that I can track the work they have completed by time and skill.

I bought ETC for my two oldest children and then purchased a third for our youngest. We love it! The children enjoy the program and have benefited from it. I like that I can track the work they have completed by time and skill. We use it as a supplement to their schoolwork. My oldest is dyslexic and it has helped her with phonemic awareness. If we have a few minutes to spare before dinner time, I'll ask them to complete 3 buttons worth. Often they'll want to complete more because they enjoy the challenge. I typically assign it as independent work while I work one-on-one with another child. ETC is a great complement to the Slingerland program my daughter is using. -Mom t.

It has put the joy back into learning for my six year old son.

I purchased this as a supplemental resource to our Horizons Phonics Curriculum. I have been very impressed with the quality and content of Explode the Code. It has put the joy back into learning for my six year old son. I will continue to use this program with my two younger children as well. -Maureen R.

This has been a great tool to reinforce my daughter's phonics skills. I used it all last year and re-ordered it again this year because I find it beneficial.

This has been a great tool to reinforce my daughter's phonics skills. I used it all last year and re-ordered it again this year because I find it beneficial. She is reading so well now, and I believe Explode the Code has helped her with sounding out words. -Jennifer D.

Explode the Code Online has helped our family considerably, as my 6 yr. old son is able to do it independently while I spend time with my 3 yr. old.

Explode the Code Online has helped our family considerably, as my 6 yr. old son is able to do it independently while I spend time with my 3 yr. old. We were using another reading program that required considerable 1-on-1 time with him, which left my 3 year old to entertain herself. Since most of his subjects require 1-on-1, she was left out too much of the time, which I knew was not good for her and that was causing me quite a bit stress. This program takes care of reading and even spelling, and allows us more quality time together. I can monitor his progress, and it automatically keeps detailed records for me. He loves being on the computer, so even though it is work, he welcomes it. I believe we will continue to use this program. -Mom o.

He is loving Explode the Code and can't wait to do his "work". He has readily grasped the material and can understand the directions.

We started this program actually as a precursor to full time school. We have a young(late b/d) 5yo boy not ready for "full time" K but also beyond preschool. He is loving Explode the Code and can't wait to do his "work". He has readily grasped the material and can understand the directions. The directions are easy for him to follow. He needed some help at first with using a mouse but that didn't take long to get the hang of! He has used other online programs such as starfall and he prefers this because "its not for babies!" I will continue to use it and have already recommended it. -K.Palladino.

My daughter loves the program and we will continue to use the product. We have told several friends about it as well.

I like that it tracks the childs progress and gives positive feedback to the child as they work through the exercise. My daughter loves the program and we will continue to use the product. We have told several friends about it as well. -S. B.

This is a great self-directed way for a child to work on their reading skills.

This is a great self-directed way for a child to work on their reading skills. Great in that it is done on the computer so different than sitting down to another workbook and keeps my child's interest better. The best part is the immediate positive feedback they get. -Nicole O.

I enjoy the ease of use and that they can work at their own pace. Thank you for a great product.

My kids (I have two doing phonics) have both enjoyed ETC. They really enjoy getting a "butterfly" and like the reward system. I enjoy the ease of use and that they can work at their own pace. Thank you for a great product. -Chris G.

This is the kind of learning program that perfectly utilizes the technology without creating wasted time on gaming-type activities. Highly recommended!!

My 7 year old son started ETC online this January. He was scoring below basic and couldn't read a basic reader without a great deal of struggle. He is now, just 5 months later, scoring proficient in book 6! He is reading level 2 readers and his spelling has improved multiple grade levels. This is the kind of learning program that perfectly utilizes the technology without creating wasted time on gaming-type activities. Highly recommended!! -Michelle G.

He is excited about working on his phonics each day (as opposed to hiding)!

My son had been using the Explode the Code workbooks. I like the pacing of the online version. He is excited about working on his phonics each day (as opposed to hiding)! -D. H.

It's only been a few weeks since he started using it, but I can already see improvement in his reading lessons.

My 8 year old asked for "computer school" this year, and since he can use more phonics practice, Explode the Code online seemed like the perfect option. It's only been a few weeks since he started using it, but I can already see improvement in his reading lessons. Its set up is self motivating to my son, as he gets so excited when he gets a butterfly or airplane token (the butterfly token means he passed a level and the airplane token means he got a perfect score on it). I can definitely see purchasing another year's subscription as needed for this child and definitely for the next one too. -Robin E.

Since using this program for a few weeks I have noticed his confidence has really improved, he enjoys working on the lessons.

My son struggles with dyslexia and Irlen Syndrome, and everyday when we had to sit down for reading it was a battle! He was frustrated and hated it! Since using this program for a few weeks I have noticed his confidence has really improved, he enjoys working on the lessons. He gets immediate feedback on how he is doing by the little bug symbols. I love the parent section - I can monitor how he is doing and tweak the program for his needs. I am so happy that we found this program!!! -Hillary D.

He loves Explode the Code online. He appreciates getting immediate feedback and I appreciate monitoring his progress! I notice improvement in his decoding skills and I highly recommend the product.

My son struggles with reading, but was resistant to other methods of remediation. He loves Explode the Code online. He appreciates getting immediate feedback and I appreciate monitoring his progress! I notice improvement in his decoding skills and I highly recommend the product. -M. R.

It is interactive and holds my child's attention.

Explode the Code online has been a great tool for my child. It is interactive and holds my child's attention. I recommend this program for anyone working with phonics! Thanks Explode the Code! -Lori.

The site is very user friendly, even for my 5 year old who is still struggling with the basics of reading.

I have two children currently using Explode the Code online. One is 5 and the other 6 and they both really like the program. They look forward to earning "butterflies" or "airplanes" and are motivated to reach the goal of 5 or 10 butterflies and/or airplanes for the day. They also like the games portion of the site - when they work on enough units for the day, they can play online games. I like the product because I can keep track of their progress, set the goals, decide what days they are allowed to play the online games, and I can print certificates after they successfully complete a book. I like it better than the ETC books because they can redo a unit that they struggle with over and over again until they have the skills to successfully pass it. I also like to be able to track how much time is spent working on certain skills. The site is very user friendly, even for my 5 year old who is still struggling with the basics of reading. I would recommend this program as a great supplement to whatever reading program is already being done at home! -Kathrine.

I love that I can track their progress and trouble areas.

I have two children using explode the code online. They are ages 7 and 5. They both love using explode the code. They also love the "Fun" button that appears after they have completed their lessons. I love that I can track their progress and trouble areas. I also like that I can establish the rules for when the "Fun" button will appear. -Jenn C.

I love that I can can easily track her progress.

Explode the Code Online has allowed my 5-year-old to complete many more activities than she has completed through the traditional workbooks. After a month of using Explode the Code Online she has finished Book 1 and has started Book 2. I love that I can can easily track her progress and she loves trying to earn butterflies and paper airplanes. -Laura.

The activities are interesting and seem to be just the right length to keep their attention. I also like the variety of the lessons. I highly recommend it.

We have been using ETC Online for a few weeks now and we love it! I wish I had checked into it last year. I love how it moves along at the kids' pace, getting more difficult or easier based on their performance, until they have mastered the material. The activities are interesting and seem to be just the right length to keep their attention. I also like the variety of the lessons. I highly recommend it. -Sherrie L.

He is making visible progress, and I like that the computer gives him feedback as to how well he did an the unit.

I purchased the ETC program for my 6 year old son. He is making visible progress, and I like that the computer gives him feedback as to how well he did an the unit. The 'teacher' page has been very informative. I can easily track my son's progress and see where his weaknesses are. I am VERY happy with this purchase. -K. P.

We absolutely love it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our 4 year old was reading simple words such as sat, bat etc.., He is now reading almost everything and is spelling 3-5 letter words.

We absolutely love it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Our 4 year old was reading simple words such as sat, bat etc.., He is now reading almost everything and is spelling 3-5 letter words. -Richard P.

I love the scorecard feature. It helps me know what he's actually retaining and what needs work. I ve recommended this program to a number of friends.

We ve been using the Explode the Code workbooks for two years. I had concerns that my third grader - then a first grader, had some dyslexia issues. ETC was very effective for him. He quickly learned to read once we started the books. I ve since learned he is an audio visual learner and I wondered if the Explode The Code program online would be additionally helpful.�We ve been using it for about a month. I use the online program to reinforce the workbooks. And I love the scorecard feature. It helps me know what he's actually retaining and what needs work. I ve recommended this program to a number of friends. -H. M.

My family feels happier and more confident. The kids are positive. it is much better than free programs and cheap programs we have tried. We will continue using it and I highly recommend it.

My two sons could speak English but not read a word as we lived in a foreign country until now. The program was systematic, fun, and educational, and they enjoyed working their way through it, tracking their progress and appreciating how they could now read English with increasingly greater fluency.�My family feels happier and more confident. The kids are positive. it is much better than free programs and cheap programs we have tried. We will continue using it and I highly recommend it. I've encouraged three other people to use it. Reading builds fluency, understanding and a deeper ability to have good relationships with family members, because you have the words with which to work things out. and you understand a bit more about the world outside of yourself. -Rachel G.

I love being able to see his progress on my laptop. I give it 2 thumbs up.

All 4 of our children have used "Explode the Code"in book form and loved it. Our youngest son is very happy to be able to do this program on the computer. I love being able to see his progress on my laptop.�I give it 2 thumbs up. -Y. O'Brien.

ETC has also helped her improve her spelling. She enjoys using the program, and as a result is more willing to spend the time needed to learn.�

Explode the Code has helped by daughter better understand phonics, giving her reading ability a real boost. ETC has also helped her improve her spelling. She enjoys using the program, and as a result is more willing to spend the time needed to learn.�I like how easy it for me to navigate the reporting features and how easy it is to adjust the learning levels so my daughter doesn't get board if she's grasped a concept and needs to jump ahead. -Carol S.

GREAT GREAT PRODUCT. I do not usually critique products, but this one I really believe in.

I am using the online product from ETC this year with my twins. I paid $60.00 per student for a year�s access. Anything less than $60/student would be great, but to be completely honest, it is worth more to me than what I paid. GREAT GREAT PRODUCT. I do not usually critique products, but this one I really believe in. The features for educators/parents are great too. I am really excited that this product will be available for less, so maybe more people will have the opportunity to experience it. -Julieann B.

I have already seen improvement in his spelling and reading comprehension skills.�

I bought this for my son who is going into second grade. His spelling is questionable, and his reading could use some improvement. He is currently wrapping up 'book2' of the online explode the code and I can say I have already seen improvement in his spelling and reading comprehension skills.�My son is not a sit down and do school type kid, so he loves the 'stickers' he earns at the end of each section. I tell him how many stickers he needs to finish with that days explode the code and he works hard to earn them so he can go play. I love them because I can tell as I walk past the computer how far he is gone, how well he is doing, and how long he will be before he wraps it up.�I would say we are very pleased with our explode the code purchase. -M. S.

The fact that he can work independently on it has freed me up for that time as well, to work on other things I need to do. It's a win-win!

My son was struggling with paper & pencil phonics. He was not engaged, and therefore learning to read became a frustrating process for both of us. I was unsure of what he needed to work on and what would be best.�A friend in my co-op told me about Explode the Code. I went online to research and discovered the online version of the program. I was so excited! I knew this program was solid in what it was teaching and the online format would engage my son. The added bonus is the feedback provided to the parent of what the child is excelling at or struggling with and the peace of mind that the program automatically moves him forward or keeps him where he is at until the concept is mastered.�Now "Reading Practice" is a part of school we both look forward to. The fact that he can work independently on it has freed me up for that time as well, to work on other things I need to do. It's a win-win! -Melissa N.

I am the mother of a 6 year old with a phonetics speech disorder. Phonics lessons were hard and involved lots of frustration and a few tears.

I am the mother of a 6 year old with a phonetics speech disorder. Phonics lessons were hard and involved lots of frustration and a few tears. Explode The Code counters that with nice simple "games" he can play. As a parent I still need to sit with him as he does the program and keep him focused but it has increased his skills in an otherwise hard area for him. He loves that he can play a set amount of lessons and the games button comes up; good motivation for him. I like that I can supplement the online game with the paper workbook when we are traveling with no access to a computer. I recommend this program for kids who seem to be frustrated with a traditional way of phonics mastery. -Laura B.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Explode the Code online!! I was debating between getting the workbooks or going the online route, and I am so glad that we chose the online version.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Explode the Code online!! I was debating between getting the workbooks or going the online route, and I am so glad that we chose the online version. Our main curriculum already incorporates phonics and handwriting, so ETC online works as tool to further his understanding. It's easy for my six year old to manage all on his own, and it's easy for me to quickly glance at the screen and see how he's doing (there are "buttons" on the side that he "earns" that tell me very easy whether he's mastered the concept or not.) I also have access to view what he needs more work on. I also love how I can use this as a multi-media/computer class as well. The greatest benefit is that he views this as a reward!!! I say that in order for him to "get" to do Explode the code, he has to complete all of his other written school work. It is amazing to me how he stays on task in order to be able to have computer time.�I am so very happy with this program and would recommend it fully (and I already do!!) to everyone and anyone! -Christy R.

Finally, a program that teaches skills at a developmentally and age-appropriate level and puts the emphasis back on systematic, progressive phonics instruction, where it belongs.

My 5 year old loves this program. It's interactive and appealing without being overloaded with graphics, so that the focus stays on the language-based lesson content. Finally, a program that teaches skills at a developmentally and age-appropriate level and puts the emphasis back on systematic, progressive phonics instruction, where it belongs. My reluctant reader is no longer turned off by the mention of reading, because he sees himself making progress, as do I through the highly detailed post-lesson assessments. As a former K-5 classroom teacher and now homeschooling parent, I am pleased to have found a program that is the mainstay of my emergent reader instruction. I plan to use this in a few years again with my youngest child. -Heather C.

We have used what seems like every other program out there. This one was fun and they learned so much and we're able to retain the information.

I have 9 year old twins and they had a hard time picking up reading. We started using ETC when they were 8 years old and it changed our lives. We have used what seems like every other program out there. This one was fun and they learned so much and we're able to retain the information. I love that it is online and the program decides when they have mastered it. I am able to step back and let them learn. -Sue M.

I love the tracking system!

I love the tracking system! My child is improving and he gets excited when I show him the graph. I have told many people about ETC online and I will continue to use it. -K. J.

Explode the Code has helped my son with phonemes and word fluency.

Explode the Code has helped my son with phonemes and word fluency. It seems like after two days of using it, something just clicked. We will continue to use it in the future. Overall, it's a great program and I'm glad that we found it. -J. B.

ETC was recommended to me by a fellow special needs parent. I'm glad I followed her recommendation.

ETC was recommended to me by a fellow special needs parent. I'm glad I followed her recommendation. It's so easy for my son to do while steadily building up his reading skills. It doesn't frustrate him, which is very important to me. I find it better than offline intervention. -Cris E.

After only one week, (I'm not making this up!) his therapist came out and told me his reading had dramatically improved!

My ten year old takes vision therapy for issues he has processing information. He has always struggled with reading. After only one week, (I'm not making this up!) his therapist came out and told me his reading had dramatically improved! We had not done any school work over the summer, and he had only just started back to school with the Eplode-The-Code program. He did do the program a lot that first week because he was enjoying it, the "fun" button was a great incentive and he was actually asking to do extra work. That has been a couple of weeks ago now, and his reading continues to improve and his self confidence does too. This program has been a great blessing to my family. -P. A.

It has been asset to us because he greatly improved his phonics skills, made phonics less of a chore and its not cluttered with flashy characters that distract from the task at hand.

My son has been using Explode the Code online for two years now. It is straightforward and simple to use. It reinforces the skills that they learn in the workbook program. It has been asset to us because he greatly improved his phonics skills, made phonics less of a chore and its not cluttered with flashy characters that distract from the task at hand. I have told many friends about this program and my middle son will start using it soon also. -S..

This program is like buying the Explode the Code books and a tutor to go with them.

We just signed up for our second year of Explode the Code on-line. This program is like buying the Explode the Code books and a tutor to go with them. My daughter can work independently and practice her phonics. The software moves her onto harder material when she is ready for it, and gives her more practice in the areas where she is slow or is not getting the phonics concept covered in that unit. And all I have to do is turn on the computer! The parent page is full of valuable information about the students strengths, weaknesses and progress, and I don't have to worry about ordering the next book - it is all right there! -Kathy H.

The Dyslexia specialist told me, that my son would never be able to spell or understand Phonics. With Explode the code he is finally understanding how it works�

The Dyslexia specialist told me, that my son would never be able to spell or understand Phonics. With Explode the code he is finally understanding how it works, even if he is still way below grade level, I can see so much improvement. Doing work on paper, that is most of the time overloaded with work is hard for him, this goes from one problem to the next and makes it easy for him to see. My kids like to work on the computer, so it is almost a reward to get to do Explode the Code. We had some problems in the beginning with the program getting stuck, but after doing recomended updates it works great. -Monika G.

With ETC online, he got all the practice he needed to master the material before it moved forward.

This is the second time we have used ETC online with one of our children. Our son did not do well with traditional workbooks because he was not ready to move on. With ETC online, he got all the practice he needed to master the material before it moved forward. We are now using it with our daughter and we still love it! I just purchased a renewal so that she can continue for another year. -Amy H.

They proceed at their own pace and practice again and again until they get it right.

As a busy mom, having the computer keep track of how they're doing in Explode the Code is a big help. They proceed at their own pace and practice again and again until they get it right. I can have them go back if I think they need more practice. With two boys who have writing blocks, not having to write their answers makes for happier students. It's a win - win for our family. So glad to have found it! -Donna.

It has made him excited about reading!

My 6 year old son loves this online program! It has made him excited about reading! -Megan S.

There is no doubt she "gets" what is taught to her.

My daughter loves ETC. The badges help her to feel accomplishment. There is no doubt she "gets" what is taught to her. -JerseyMom.

I already see improvements in his reading and confidence in approaching an unfamiliar word.

My 9 year old son was still really struggling to read. I bought this as a fun way to get some extra reading practice in. Most of the time he really enjoys it, and is motivated when he gets the highest badge at the end of each round. I already see improvements in his reading and confidence in approaching an unfamiliar word. I am hoping to see continued improvement is his abilities in the coming months. -Lisa T.

It is basic and simple without all the silliness in some programs.

We have used the workbooks in the past but explode the code on line is so much more. The variation of ways taught and hearing the sounds and words helps them retain what they are doing. It is basic and simple without all the silliness in some programs. The children enjoy the insect rewards at the end of each set. they really like trying to get the airplane which is a challenge. We hope to continue through all 8. We have told others about it. -Daisy.

It gives a comprehensive report to the parents, along with suggestions for additional practice that we have implemented.

My 6 & 8 year olds have been working through the ETC workbooks and we decided to switch to online. I have been very happy with the results. It gives a comprehensive report to the parents, along with suggestions for additional practice that we have implemented. My children are mastering the material better with the onine program. (The one thing with workbooks is that the children get additional hand-writing practice, so I have made sure the kids still get plenty of writing, despite not using the workbook format anymore.) This is the very first on-line curriculum I have used with my children and we are pleased! -Karen F.

Not only has our daughter's confidence in reading grown, but also her love for it as well.

This program has been an answer to prayer in many ways. Not only has our daughter's confidence in reading grown, but also her love for it as well. She is eager to use the program each day and gets excited when she receives the incentive buttons. :) -H.R..

She now reads above average for her age.

We love Explode the Code online. I used it with my oldest daughter. It dramatically improved her reading skills. She now reads above average for her age. I am currently using it on my youngest. She enjoys it, and is learning so much! -S. B.

We have been thrilled with this experience�

My daughter was already using the Explode the Code books when we found out about ETC online. We have been thrilled with this experience, and it seems to help my daughter more fully understand the words she is being introduced to in the book. She looks more forward to doing ETC now! Thank you! -Michelle F.

I have used other programs but felt either they weren't well organized or offered too many distractions ... Explode The Code is very organized.

I have used other programs but felt either they weren't well organized or offered too many distractions (shopping, games, songs, etc.). Explode The Code is very organized, in fact the program is able to continuously evaluate my child and will only allow her to move forward when ready. This program does offer rewards in the form of tokens. That may not sound so great but I exchange the tokens for coins. My daughter is more than thrilled with this exchange because she gets to save and shop later. It also helps that I don't have to be right next to my daughter and can help my other children while she's using Explode The Code. I use this program in conjunction with their workbooks, just to switch up. My younger daughter uses the Get Ready For The Code workbooks and is looking forward to ETC. I love the program, my daughter is definitely learning to read and spell! -Joann J.

Both of them show improvement quickly and I think the auditory as well as visual nature of it engages them.

Both of my children have used the online version of Explode the Code and love it. They can't wait to earn airplanes and just try harder to avoid bees. Both of them show improvement quickly and I think the auditory as well as visual nature of it engages them. Add in the tactile nature of typing or using a mouse, and we have all learners covered. I love this program. -Kathryn M.

It helps engage her more in her learning experience. I appreciate it can be done again and again until it is mastered.

I am using this program for my daughter with special needs! She has Down syndrome. She is getting far more from the computer program than she did the workbook. It helps engage her more in her learning experience. I appreciate it can be done again and again until it is mastered. -Penny T.

There have been many times when we were reading together and she would say, "I know that because of Explode the Code.

My daughter (1st grade) has really enjoyed working with this program. Sometimes she gets wrong answers just because it's really unclear what the program is looking for as the right answer, so I don't take complete stock in her scores. However, there have been many times when we were reading together and she would say, "I know that because of Explode the Code." -Jen.

I love that he can learn independently to reinforce what we work on together.

My Kindergarten boy is so excited anytime he gets to use the computer, so using this program is a plus. He loves earning stickers and rewards after lessons. I love that he can learn independently to reinforce what we work on together. I've used ETC workbooks with my older kids, but this is offers great flexibility and added fun to our lessons. -Jenny K.

It has really helped her improve her reading skills in just one month of using it!

Explode the Code online has given my daughter the chance to have reading excercises that constantly assess and stretch her abilities little by little. It gives her great reading practice and continual learning all while playing a computer game. It has really helped her improve her reading skills in just one month of using it! -Glynn.

It's a slow and steady pace with ETC, but he loves it and it is sinking in!

My son has some learning challenges. It's a slow and steady pace with ETC, but he loves it and it is sinking in! He has challenges with writing, so the online version is SO MUCH better than the workbooks for us. I hate to keep him back simply b/c his dexterity skills are behind. -Michelle.

I highly recommend Explode the Code online!

Two of my children are currently using Explode the Code online. One is just learning to read and the other can read but has dyslexia. They both are doing very well with the program, given that they have very different learning needs. Explode the Code online is very easy to use and as their teacher, it is also very easy to track their progress. I highly recommend Explode the Code online! -Candace H.

My daughter who is 6 loves playing explode the code, she says it doesn't feel like homework.

My daughter who is 6 loves playing explode the code, she says it doesn't feel like homework. She thinks its a computer game and loves earning badges. It really reinforces the other language arts curriculum we follow. -Kirsty M.

I LOVE the fact that it gives her as much repetition as she needs to solidify things in her mind.

My 10 year old daughter with Down syndrome uses Explode the Code online and we both love it! She loves getting on the computer and doing her 'work'. I LOVE the fact that it gives her as much repetition as she needs to solidify things in her mind. I also LOVE the fact that I can advance her manually if/when needed when her performance speed may not be enough for the product to move her to the next level due to fine motor skill issues. We just renewed for another year, so we will continue to use it as long as it helps her. -Juliette.

Excellent program. My daughter loves it and would do it all day long if I let her. Her reading skills almost instantly improved.

Excellent program. My daughter loves it and would do it all day long if I let her. Her reading skills almost instantly improved. If there is an area that your child isn't doing very well it also gives you specific direction on what to do to practice that skill. The co-op price is a wonderful blessing. I will continue to use this program and would highly recommend it to others. -Karen L.

My son loves this program!

My son loves this program! He enjoys the graphics and I love how his progress and performance is tracked. My 3 yr old even keeps asking to "play". I'm definitely continuing to use this moving forward. -Lisa D.

I am thrilled to see how quickly he has progressed and aquired new skills -more importantly, he truly enjoys the process!

For the last four years my children have enjoyed the Explode the Code book series. My son however, struggled with printing and would become discouraged with the appearance of his written work and quickly lose interest. Teaching him became a constant battle. I was delighted to find the Explode The Code On-Line program, which focuses on reading, grammar and comprehension. I am thrilled to see how quickly he has progressed and aquired new skills -more importantly, he truly enjoys the process! Not only does the program work for my children, but for my exchange student as well. -Lesley H.

He's a very reluctant learner, so this was an answer to prayer for us.

My six year old son, who cries over workbooks, loves doing Explode The Code on-line! He thinks he's playing a game. Within the first lesson he was reading three letter words. He's a very reluctant learner, so this was an answer to prayer for us. -Julia Y.

It's a great program for us.

We have four children using ETC online. Two natural learners, 5 and 6. My son with a severe learning disability, 13, and a daughter with Aspergers and vision challenges, 9. They all love it. They go eagerly to the computer to do the lessons. We also use the workbooks along with the online. It's a great program for us. -Christina R.

It has helped him with differentiating between the various vowel sounds, and his reading and spelling have improved as a result.

We have been using the Expolde the Code Online resource for a couple of weeks now, and my 6 yr old loves it! It has helped him with differentiating between the various vowel sounds, and his reading and spelling have improved as a result. I appreciate all the graphs and tables that are available to me as his teacher - to see his progress and areas he does well in or is struggling in. This is valuable information. I am impressed with this product. I would not have used it if it was not online, because my child can work independently while I work with our other children. After he has finished I can go back and look at the graphs to see how he did. It really works! -Sue T.

I definitely recommend this product, it has been well worth the investment.

We purchased this for our struggling reader this year. It has been a fantastic resource. The computer is a dispassionate teacher and it allows our son to take the time he needs to decode. He really enjoys the immediate feedback of the butterflies/planes, etc. I love being able to monitor him in my time frame with tracking how he did in each lesson. I definitely recommend this product, it has been well worth the investment. -Jenny A.

I like the feature that I can set a reward (being able to play a fun game) to occur when I want.

I was using the workbook version of this curriculum with my student with significant learning difficulties. She likes using the computer version much more and is more eager to work at it. I like the feature that I can set a reward (being able to play a fun game) to occur when I want. I will continue to use it. The program includes a lot of repetition and different presentations of same material which my learner needs. -Deann.

It is helping him keep up with and improve his reading skills and it's really fun. We love this product!

My 1st grader has been using Explode the Code Online all summer and he really loves it! It is helping him keep up with and improve his reading skills and it's really fun. We love this product! -Laura C.

This is an outstanding program. My kids really enjoy it.

This is an outstanding program. My kids really enjoy it. My son has trouble writing, so this is the way out for us and it really works. I will continue to use it for sure as his reading and spelling skills are constantly improving with ETC. -Natasha Y.

We love it.

We love it. We love that you can access all the books. It is great for kids who need a break from writing too. -Denise B.

My 5.5 year old is learning and retaining so much!

My 5.5 year old is learning and retaining so much! I love that, from the outset, a brief quiz set the program to match the level he needed to be on, so he was able to jump right in to learning. I'll be using this program for my younger son when he's ready to begin reading. -Candy.

Her reading has really improved. Now, instead of asking me to read a book to her, sometimes she just picks up a book and reads to the four year old :)

I was using it first for my daughter who is in first grade, reading at grade level. Her reading has really improved. Now, instead of asking me to read a book to her, sometimes she just picks up a book and reads to the four year old :) Nice to see that independence. I more recently started using ETC with an older student who is reading below grade level. I am excited to begin to see some of those gaps filled. Reading just hasn't "clicked" with him but we can see definite improvements. -Laura.

Love it!! � It is a great way of teaching reading/spelling!

Love it!! We have used ETC for over 6 months with 2 of my girls, ages 5 & 7. They both like it, and it does a great job of teaching and reteaching where each child is. It is a great way of teaching reading/spelling! My 3 yo is using the ETC book, but I plan on switching him to the online version when he is ready for book 1. -Amy C.

I can't say enough good about it! My son loves it!

I've used ETC workbooks for 7 years now. They are wonderful! This is my first year using the online program. I can't say enough good about it! My son loves it! Instead of encouraging him to do another page, he is asking to do another lesson online and will work much longer. His spelling is improving and it is so enjoyable for both of us! We all know how much boys hate to write. This is perfect because they can type it. Most kids love the computer so this is the best of both worlds. It's worth every penny! Don't hestitate to sign up! -Carla B.

I have used this with 3 of my children, and the results have been spectacular!

I have used this with 3 of my children, and the results have been spectacular! I highly recommend this to all of my friends with struggling readers. -C. F.

Great product! My son looks forward to it each day.

We love ETC On-line because my 5 yo gets phonics practice tailored to his level/weak areas. Also, it is something he can do independently while I help my other children with their studies. Great product! My son looks forward to it each day. -Mara.

He loves it!... It makes phonics fun.

We are using Explode The Code with my 5 year old boy. He loves it! We spend about 10-15 min/school day on the site. It makes phonics fun. I like the "teacher" section so that I can see his progress, strengths, and area that need more support. They even give game ideas for areas that need more work. Totally worth the money, IMO. -Emily.

My six year old LOVES the Explode the Code online program.

My six year old LOVES the Explode the Code online program. It's very interactive and she begs to play. -Jen.

I really like the teacher view where I can see how my child is progressing through the material.

I really like the teacher view where I can see how my child is progressing through the material. As a visual learner, I like the graphs and visual presentation of data. My daughter likes that there is a computer game that she is required to play for school :) -Melissa C.

My son immediately started reading after using the program 2 weeks.

I am using ETC with my 1st and 4th grader for the 1st time this year. They love getting on the computer to do their phonics. My son immediately started reading after using the program 2 weeks. He already knew his letter sounds but had not put them together to make words. My 4th grader is just using it to review. They love the immediate feedback. I love the easy use. I highly recommend ETC! -Heather P.

We have used Explode the Code online for just over a year, for my son we adopted from China when he was almost 6 years old. He is now reading at grade level!

We have used Explode the Code online for just over a year, for my son we adopted from China when he was almost 6 years old. He is now reading at grade level! -Laura C.

So far ETC has been amazing.

So far ETC has been amazing.. My daughter is 8 and has had trouble w/ phonectics.. I am starting to see the improvements. -Kris.

ETC not only makes sure that our children are learning, it also makes sure we know their strong and weak points.

E-T-C is great! We like that it keeps track of our children's progress through use of a nationally standardized chart. Our family is currently using ETC for our younger children's learning and as an assessment for our oldest children's knowledge base. The foundations of reading and learning to spell are not something we want to wonder about. ETC not only makes sure that our children are learning, it also makes sure we know their strong and weak points. -A. F.

My 4 1/2 year old is doing really well with Explode the Code online.

My 4 1/2 year old is doing really well with Explode the Code online. She enjoys doing it, and I set a goal every day of her earning 5 blue butterflies. It takes her about 15 minutes. It's a nice break from the workbooks! -Misti.

My last two children are using this online have struggled with reading and this has helped them both considerably and I no longer am the enemy, pushing them to work with me on phonics!

My kids are using this curriculum..this has been a good addition for me as I no longer am working on phonics with my two struggling readers!! The feedback is immediate from the program so the kids can keep learning. This is the second year my family is using the online program. My eldest used the paper ETC and I love having the online version instead. It is the same curriculum EXCEPT no handwriting..well, we use another handwriting program. My next child has graduated from ETC online..he rapidly went through the levels. My last two children are using this online have struggled with reading and this has helped them both considerably and I no longer am the enemy, pushing them to work with me on phonics! I have friends who are using it now and love's a good deal. -C. B.

I enjoy the flexibilty of phonics practice time being independent.

Explode the Code has added considerably to the fluency with which my daughter reads. We bought it on the recommendation of a friend whose daughter loves it, and I have been pleased with the results. My six year old does this program completely independently - very helpful when you have multiple children at home. We use it to suppliment our regular phonics program which comes with books and written worksheets and phonics tiles, all of which I think are crucial for a strong foundation, however, traditional phonics requires the complete attention and time of the parent teaching. I enjoy the flexibilty of phonics practice time being independent. We will continue to use this program through first grade. -Kathy J.

My daughter and I love Explode the Code online. She looks forward to phonics everyday.

My daughter and I love Explode the Code online. She looks forward to phonics everyday. She's excited to get the butterflies or paper airplanes and bummed out when she gets lady bugs or bumblebees. I like how it has her repeat things when she doesn't do so well. It's better than a workbook, because you don't have to erase and they can truly learn for mastery. I also like that I can change where I want her to work, if necessary. -D. J.

It is very easy to follow for the child as well as for the parent. I highly recommend it!

We love Explode The Code! It is engaging with it's colorful format and voices used to help explain and instruct. It is very easy to follow for the child as well as for the parent. I highly recommend it! -A. C.

I only have good to say about the Explode-The-Code online program.

I only have good to say about the Explode-The-Code online program. I have a struggling reader who is using it along with the Explode The Code workbooks. It gives her a wonderful opportunity to work at her phonics and reading independently which is a rarity for her because of her reading struggles. I've always used and liked Explode The Code books - this is just a wonderful extension. Thank you! Thank you! -Heidi B.

My son doesn't enjoy phonics work, but he loves Explode the Code!

My son doesn't enjoy phonics work, but he loves Explode the Code! The site is so entertaining that even my 3 year old wants to try it out! -Tracy J.

We love ETC!

My daughter really enjoys working for jets and butterflys and learns phonics in the process with no prompting from us at all. We love ETC! -T. S.

My daughter is enjoying learning. I love the reward system. I would recommend this product to other families.

I have been very pleased with ETC online. My daughter is enjoying learning. I love the reward system. I would recommend this product to other families. -Mrs. W.

My son really enjoys it - even when it is hard! We hightly recommend it.

My son loved Explode the Code as a work book so when I learned about the computer version we decided to try it. My son really enjoys it - even when it is hard! We have made it a regular part of our school day and I can see mastery in all of the areas he is working on (he is 7). We hightly recommend it. We will continue to use it. I have told many families about it. -kb5kids.

Since doing it online he has progressed with his reading. While reading books when he stumbles on a word I am able to say "you read this on the computer" and it comes to him.�

My 8 year old son is struggling with learning how to read. We tried the Explode the Code workbooks but he would get so anxious about the writing parts he couldn't focus on the reading. Since doing it online he has progressed with his reading. While reading books when he stumbles on a word I am able to say "you read this on the computer" and it comes to him.�He gets so excited when he gets answers right that his younger sister wanted to do it as well. Now he helps her with her account. -N. A.

It works! I had a struggling reader. He really struggled with several other phonetic curriculums, so we tried this one out of desperation.

It works! I had a struggling reader. He really struggled with several other phonetic curriculums, so we tried this one out of desperation. Within days he was showing improvement. As a parent, being able watch him work independently read and work through the lessons and is a such an over-whelming blessing for me. It gives him a sense of hope, accomplishment, and independence.�It really think it works well with him because each lesson he receives feedback on how he did, with "stickers", plus IT ISN'T A BORING WORKBOOK! We are in a new generation....and the kids love technology! We will most certainly continue working thru this curriculum. -MJ H.

I have really loved ETC so far. It shows me his areas of weakness and allows me to check in and see how he performed on his daily work. I have also an improvement in his Spelling as it is showing carryover to his writing.

We have been using the online version of ETC to help with Spelling and decoding words. We previously used another program but saw little improvement in his overall writing.�

I have really loved ETC so far. It shows me his areas of weakness and allows me to check in and see how he performed on his daily work. I have also an improvement in his Spelling as it is showing carryover to his writing. -Laresa H.

They get bored of so many other programs, but not this one! I love it how the program follows how they do and assesses them after each lesson!�It is a great program. I recommend it to any new readers or readers struggling!

I have an 8 and 10 year old doing ETC. They get bored of so many other programs, but not this one! I love it how the program follows how they do and assesses them after each lesson!�

It is a great program. I recommend it to any new readers or readers struggling! -Denise.

My Son loves Explode-The-Code. He would spend more time on it, if I would let him.

My Son loves Explode-The-Code. He would spend more time on it, if I would let him. He is learning to spell and doesn't even realize it. I love how fun it is for him and how easy it is to use. We've shared this product with several other families. -Gail M.

The reward system has been a huge help in our home.

Explode the code online has been a huge benefit for my family. The online program tracks the children and will back track them when they are not showing that they have actually mastered the content. This insures that the children do not go through the motions, with out mastering.�The online I feel is better than the workbook. My son completed the first 2 workbooks, but took over a month to master book 1 online, showing that he never actually mastered it.�I also love that the program automatically sets the work and dictates where they work, making it not required for me. The reward system has been a huge help in our home. Instead of requiring my children a set time or set of units, I can require a set numbeR of butterflies, encouraging them to do their best to get done. -Trish h.

He is a visual learner, and once we started ETC, he moved forward in leaps. He enjoys the work, and it's easy for him to proceed independently.

My son has struggled to read. He's in 3rd grade, and pre ETC, he was reading at a first grade level, in spite of our having tried a number of reading programs.�He is a visual learner, and once we started ETC, he moved forward in leaps. He enjoys the work, and it's easy for him to proceed independently. He has used another online program, but this one seems to be much more enjoyable to him.�We will definitely continue to use it until he has covered all the material and reached reading proficiency for his age group. -Caryn.

My 6 yr old has been working with ETC for a year now. After teaching him to read for 2 yrs total, he is now sounding out words and HE says HE can read!

My 6 yr old has been working with ETC for a year now. After teaching him to read for 2 yrs total, he is now sounding out words and HE says HE can read! It has been a long time coming, but it takes some kids longer to be ready to read.�I originally got ETC to get him motivated; a computer 'fun' program that he could use, just like his older sister got to do. While ETC is a little more work than it is fun, it is a proficient reading program.�ETC is a good program - when you commit to doing it at least 5 times a week. It can be too repetitive, and the grading is whole user based - and it may end up grading your kindergartner based on the 1st or 2nd grade work he's doing - so there might be a lot more 'less than proficient' scores and more wasps than butterflies when the program steps ahead to the next level - and I think that poor 'grade performance' can be discouraging to the parent/teacher. However, you can see and print out the history of progress reports and see that your little reader is heading in the right direction. And it is a good thing to teach your child that it's not the 'grade' you're currently getting, but the fact that you're LEARNING that is the important thing.� All in all, I"d recommend ETC, along with Reading Eggs and Math Seeds, Sound Partners/Bob Books, and flash card learning of sight words, and the small early readers We Both Read and the Meet the Sight Words Series. -Red H.

My children love this online program, and I love how it lets them tackle things at their own pace.

My children love this online program, and I love how it lets them tackle things at their own pace. The badge system makes it very easy for me to set definite accomplishment goals - like work through 10 badges a day. The system itself gives out the rewards - lady bugs and bees aren't desirable to my kids and they jump with joy when they manage to get an airplane. The immediate feedback is awesome.� On the teacher-side, seeing the reports of where they are struggling and getting suggestions on how to work through things with them is invaluable!�My oldest, a struggling reader, has been making steady progress and has actually started reading street signs and other things. His whole world is opening up thanks in large part to ETC.�I have the workbooks too, but this online system repeats the lesson as many times as the children need to do it, and there's also the immediate feedback and semi-independent work (freeing Mommy to get other things done)! LOVE the online system.�Yes, we will continue to use this system throughout the year and I'd love to recommend ETC to anyone in need of it. -Deb B.

The grading system is unique and readily visible to see how the student is doing. Very professional and thought out well.

It is a wonderful program that is fast paced and simple to use. My daughter loves it and has improved greatly since using it. The grading system is unique and readily visible to see how the student is doing. Very professional and thought out well. -Dan I.

After just one week, she is officially a READER!!!

We started using ETC online for my 4 (almost 5) year old. After just one week, she is officially a READER!!! She LOVES ETC and winning the buttons. To see her accomplish her goal to learn to read in such a short time and all while having's just awesome! -Keara H.

I have a special needs daughter...Explode the Code online is working so much better than anything else I have ever used�

I have a special needs daughter, that is mentally delayed. We have previously used Explode the Code workbooks for her, but she has to see a word many times before it sinks in. Explode the Code online is working so much better than anything else I have ever used, because it tracks her progress, and keeps repeating the work until she gets it. I feel like we may now have a chance at her becoming a reader! -Romona B.

Our son...has progressed in his reading by nearly an entire grade level, in just 1 month of using Explode the Code online!

Our son, who has struggled in reading up to this point, has progressed in his reading by nearly an entire grade level, in just 1 month of using Explode the Code online! He uses the program almost every day, and he's often so excited that he completes about 10 lessons at a time! -K. W.

I am MORE THAN PLEASED with my son's reading progress with this instruction. I am ECSTATIC!!!

I heard about Explode the Code from a friend who uses the workbooks. I realized the program comes highly rated from people like Cathy Duffy and others. I chose this online subscription because I didn't want any more paper work than necessary for my son's first year of school. I considered this online subscription a good deal more attractive than the paper series as well. I desired the reading progress reporting that the program provides, so that I can easily see his reading is on track. We began in January 2013. I taught my son to read with Bob books over the summer, and his reading sounded rather robotic and choppy. We went through his fall semester of school, and I had him reading McGuffey Reader lessons to me with progress that was fine but rather slow. I began to wonder if I needed some more instruction. At the beginning of Spring semester, I subscribed to Explode the Code. At first, I encouraged my son to earn 2-3 buttons at a time. Once he was comfortable working the computer program, I encouraged earning 5 butterfly buttons each time we sit down for a sessions (three times per week). It is now April 2013. I am MORE THAN PLEASED with my son's reading progress with this instruction. I am ECSTATIC!!! In three months time exactly, he has worked through the first four books out of eight accessible. His reading is smooth, confident, and most importantly, he now considers reading something that is personally enjoyable for him with his new abilities! In the last month, my son picked up a book of his own accord and was enjoying himself so much that he wanted his brother and sister to be quiet so he could focus on finishing reading his own story. He can read on a second grade level now, which is beyond his school year. The program progresses the child as he is ready, so the challenge is always appropriate for the particular child- FABULOUS! The activities are worthwhile, and the child receives feedback constantly which is probably an immeasurable contribution to reading progress! I do sit with my son as he works through this program. As the teacher, you can manually place the child in the lesson you consider best (although I have not done this at all). I let him work the natural progress of the program. In three months time, I just can hardly believe the major leap in my son's reading abilities! I have recommended this product to several others, and I intend to use it for my other two children who are coming right along behind my son. Thanks, Explode the Code Online!!! -Sarah.

We have tried a few other programs for my 7 year old daughter but she just wasn't getting it. We decided to try Explode the Code Online and WOW! It clicks with her!

We have tried a few other programs for my 7 year old daughter but she just wasn't getting it. We decided to try Explode the Code Online and WOW! It clicks with her! She's been using it only a month so far at 20 min a day and I must say, she is making wonderful progress. We are very pleased with the format and the results we're seeing. -Tina H.

This is better than regular phonics games because there is a separate link where I track his progress and can find teaching tips to strengthen his weak areas.

Having a great curriculum available on the Internet has helped my struggling 1st grader learn so much without realizing it. This is better than regular phonics games because there is a separate link where I track his progress and can find teaching tips to strengthen his weak areas. He loves the short lessons and the instant "badge" that is earned. I plan to continue with the online version until he is a fluent reader! -L. R.

I love the data information and it makes it very easy to keep parents informed on the child's success.

I am a tutor for young children with autism and I am using this program with 2 students. They both love doing the work, in fact sometimes it's hard to get them to stop and they keep asking for just one more try. I love the data information and it makes it very easy to keep parents informed on the child's success. -M. S.

We would most definitely recommend explode the code to any parent who has a desire to see their child's reading improve dramatically using a fun tool.

We have been very pleasantly surprised by the facility and fun of explode the code for our first grader. She has picked up familiarity and with ease and joy reads compound words.We would most definitely recommend explode the code to any parent who has a desire to see their child's reading improve dramatically using a fun tool. -Howard E.

Her reading skills have very much increased!

Our daughter loves "Explode the Code" online. This is our second year of using it and it has been a great encouragement to her. Her reading skills have very much increased! -Mom o.

My daughter was struggling with reading. A friend recommended Explode-The-Code to me. I am so glad I signed up!

My daughter was struggling with reading. A friend recommended this program. I am so glad I signed up! The program is easy to understand and my daughter is loving it. The combination of seeing; hearing, and typing out the words has helped her to become more confident. In the short time she has been using the program her reading ability has blossomed. -W. J.

Explode The Code online has been a great addition to our curriculum.

Explode The Code online has been a great addition to our curriculum. We have used the Explode the Code workbooks for years. The online version has the same great material with the added benefit of immediate feedback. -Amy T.

He has dyslexia and this program has been the only one we have found that has helped his reading and spelling.

I love this program! It's motivating, rewarding and holds my son's interest enough to go through several lessons in one sitting. He has dyslexia and this program has been the only one we have found that has helped his reading and spelling. We just renewed for another year! -Shannon A.

I can monitor their progress and I see improvement n their reading skills. I love this product and I tell people about it all the time.

I have used the Explode The Code series to teach my youngest child to read and loved it, so I was really excited when I heard about Explode The Code Online. It's great. I can get my younger children to do their phonics work without having to drag them through writing it out on the work sheets. That saves me time and makes my day a lot easier. They love to "play" the game and that also makes my day go better. I have the confidence of knowing that they are learning. I can monitor their progress and I see improvement n their reading skills. I love this product and I tell people about it all the time. -S. P.

My kiddos love Explode the Code. It is a great way for them to grow in their Phonics skills!

My kiddos love Explode the Code. It is a great way for them to grow in their Phonics skills! They also enjoy the reward games they get to play afterwards when they finish their lesson and I know it has helped them establish a great foundation for their reading skills! -Ruth.

I would recommend this program for energetic little boys who cannot sit down very long for reading/phonics instruction. :)

My 6 year old son is enjoying Explode the Code online program. He doesn't complain or whine about doing it. I like the fact I can do kitchen work as I listen to the computer prompts and quickly realize if he is having difficulty. I would recommend this program for energetic little boys who cannot sit down very long for reading/phonics instruction. :) -Belinda R.

This was recommended by a reading specialist to me and is really working for my struggling son.

My kids have really enjoyed explode the code online. It has review programmed right in their lessons so they don't move on until they've mastered the lesson. This was recommended by a reading specialist to me and is really working for my struggling son. -Tam F.

The online edition is what really helped my granddaughter to sound out words when she's reading.

We've done 4 books of Explode the Code, but signing on to the online edition is what really helped my granddaughter to sound out words when she's reading. We will stick with this for a while longer, for sure. -Virginia H.

Explode the Code has been extremely beneficial in helping my struggling reader and my beginning readers.

Explode the Code has been extremely beneficial in helping my struggling reader and my beginning readers. I have used the program in book form and the online version and much prefer the online version. The children do not move on until the skills have been mastered and I appreciate the feedback it gives me on their progress. -Patricia A.

All three of my children use Explode the Code online now and they all look forward to it every day!

We have used the textbooks for Explode the Code in the past and really liked them. My kids LOVE anything on the computer, so Explode the Code online is perfect for us. I have a daughter that struggles with reading, so this has been perfect to start back at the beginning and strengthen our weak areas. All three of my children use Explode the Code online now (ages 5, 7, 9) and they all look forward to it every day! Would highly recommend! -Crystal W.

My daughter loves the online version of Explode the Code.

My daughter loves the online version of Explode the Code. The struggle of having her do her workbook pages is over! And the online version goes back and reviews the lessons she still needs to work on. It is so much easier than seeking out worksheets to help with those problem areas! -K. D.

My son loves this online program.

My son loves this online program. Instead of having book work for every subject he loves that he can play on the computer. I have it set up where he plays for 30 minutes and then a play button appears. 1. So he knows he is finished and 2. He can be "rewarded" to play one of the games that pop up if we have time. -N. A.

We really like the program, it is set up well to help reading.

This really helped my 4th grader to read better & now I am using it for my 6 & 4 yr olds. We really like the program, it is set up well to help reading. -Trish E.

Explode the Code has been the answer in our busy family.

Explode the Code (online version) has been a true blessing in our family. We are reserved about how much computer time our children use. However, with five kids two of whom are still little, I needed something to improve my 3rd DD's reading skills. She had fallen way behind. With such a big and busy family, I needed to outsource some help with her reading. Explode the Code, has been that help. With the online version, she is excited to spend some time on the computer, and it is fun for her. It has helped her with the basics she has needed and has jumped the hurdle to becoming a true reader. As with all readers, there is that initial hurdle you must climb before you can become an independent confident reader, and read for enjoyment. Explode the Code has been the answer in our busy family. -Jenifer K.

My kindergartener loves Explode the Code.

My kindergartener loves Explode the Code. Even in the short month we've been using it, I see improvements in his reading. -K. P.

He particularly loves to print out the certificate at the end of a book.

My son enjoys using the Explode the Code program. He particularly loves to print out the certificate at the end of a book. It keeps him motivated and working hard. -Sheryl.

I am so very thankful for a quality program that my son enjoys.

This is a great program! My 8 year old, who does not enjoy workbooks does this without any fuss everyday. He asks to do this first, when we were doing workbook based phonics he would be near tears when phonics time came. I am so very thankful for a quality program that my son enjoys. -Melissa C.

I have twin boys that are struggling in reading, they are 8 years old. Explode the code has been great for them.

I have twin boys that are struggling in reading, they are 8 years old. Explode the code has been great for them. They can do it on their own and self paced. We ask that they get 10 butterflies a day and every bee takes one away. Hope this helps. -Tracie B.

Great for beginning readers.

Great for beginning readers. It's so nice that when a child is struggling with a certain sound, the program automatically generates more drills for the problem area. Also, it's very easy for me to monitor my child's progress. He likes the time he gets to "play" on the computer too. -Fran C.

My 6 year old daughter was having trouble sounding out words until she started using Explode the Code on-line.

My 6 year old daughter was having trouble sounding out words until she started using Explode the Code on-line. She and 5 year old brother look forward to using Explode the Code as part of their daily school routine. -Tara M.

I am impressed and he is not stressed over trying to sound words out and is really feeling good about himself.

My seven year old son was struggling with learning how to read. I thought I would give this program a shot. What a great deal! After two months of working on this program almost daily for a 1/2 hour with no complaints he is starting to really read! I am impressed and he is not stressed over trying to sound words out and is really feeling good about himself. That is all that counts! Having a proud reader! -Wendy S.

After just one month of using Explode the Code Online, his reading level has improved greatly.

My 8 year old son was reading far below grade level. After just one month of using Explode the Code Online, his reading level has improved greatly. The program is easy for him to do on his own. When I am helping his siblings, he spends time "playing" on the computer. He seems to approach reading with more confidence now. I will certainly continue using this program. -Kristy B.

This program is one of the easiest and kid-friendly. I have recommended this to many people and will continue to do so.

This program is one of the easiest and kid-friendly. I have recommended this to many people and will continue to do so. -Pauline W.

I would highly recommend Explode the Code to any child who is needing help with learning to read - they will love it!!

Learning to read is such a milestone in a child's educational development. A lot of the curriculum we had tried, however, wasn't enjoyable for my daughter. She didn't like the activities and she didn't enjoy the time we devoted to reading every day. Then we were referred to Explode the Code by several friends who have used it and loved it and we have to agree! My daughter now enjoys the activities so much more and has made amazing progress with her reading skills. I would highly recommend Explode the Code to any child who is needing help with learning to read - they will love it!! -Jennifer.

I would definitely recommend Explode the Code to anyone looking to spice up their child's interest in reading, or to practice the basics in a structured and entertaining way.

My son is diagnosed ADHD and staying focused on reading can be a challenge. We started using Explode the Code in addition to our usual reading program and saw a great change, especially in his attitude and enthusiasm. He is constantly trying to challenge himself to beat his previous scores and to get more butterflies and airplanes. I would definitely recommend Explode the Code to anyone looking to spice up their child's interest in reading, or to practice the basics in a structured and entertaining way. -Leah P.

We are in our first month of kindergarten and she is already able to read short sentences thanks to ETC! I would Highly recommend this program!

My daughter and I Love explode the code online! It is such a wonderful program. My daughter looks forward to doing her lessons everyday! We are in our first month of kindergarten and she is already able to read short sentences thanks to ETC! I would Highly recommend this program! -Jenny M.

This year, in second grade, he's started Explode the Code Online, and he loves it, even asks to do more.

My son did Explode the Code books in 1st grade, and we found them to be a fairly painless way to reinforce phonics. This year, in second grade, he's started Explode the Code Online, and he loves it, even asks to do more. He feels like he's playing a computer game (admittedly, he hasn't played many computer games, so any computer time is a treat). As a mother of 5 kids 7 and under, I like it because it gives me something of a break from teaching, as the program corrects his work and paces him. In our experience, it's a great way to review and reinforce phonics concepts. -Becky D.

It has helped our kids reading skills and they enjoy the program.

We are pleased with this program. We started with our oldest and now have our second oldest on the program with the rest of our brood begging to get to use it. It has helped our kids reading skills and they enjoy the program. -Steve W.

My daughter has benefitted dramatically from its' teachings and her confidence has soared.

I absolutely love ETC online. My daughter has benefitted dramatically from its' teachings and her confidence has soared. -Caitlin.

The boys have gained confidence in the privacy of home and their reading has improved and they are now enjoying reading.

Explode the Code helped reinforce the foundational skills for reading to my older students who weren't ready at the supposed age that they were supposed to have learned it. The boys have gained confidence in the privacy of home and their reading has improved and they are now enjoying reading. -Victoria A.

She gets excited when I tell her she's going to work on her Explode the Code activities!

We love Explode the Code. Currently my 4 yo is using the workbooks along with the online games. I started her off with Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading. She was getting bored with it so I decided to try Explode the Code. She gets excited when I tell her she's going to work on her Explode the Code activities! -Amanda P.

My six year old was really needing some extra drilling in phonics basics, but I was having a hard time finding a method she didn't resist. Until ETC came along...the perfect solution!

My six year old was really needing some extra drilling in phonics basics, but I was having a hard time finding a method she didn't resist. Until ETC came along...the perfect solution! She thinks she's playing a computer game, and I know she's getting the extra practice she needs. The best part is the way it keeps track of problem areas and automatically reviews those lessons which are weak. I'd recommend it to anyone whose child needs a little extra phonics practice. -Mary.

I love ETC because it works!

I love ETC because it works! My daughter likes using the computer version better than the workbooks. -Amanda.

My 3 children have enjoyed being able to do school on the computer and I'm glad that they can review what we have done

I'm so glad that we added the ETC online to the workbooks. My 3 children have enjoyed being able to do school on the computer and I'm glad that they can review what we have done. Also, the way they have enabled me to reward the work done online keeps my kids motivated to either complete a certain amount or spend a certain amount of time. -Marie R.

My five year old son loves it...He is proud of himself that he can read already!

I feel this program is outstanding. My five year old son loves it and can work independently both on the online work and the written work in the workbook. He is proud of himself that he can read already! -S. S.

My husband and I are both amazed at how quickly our son has learned to sound out words.

Explode the Code online is the perfect companion to the ETC books. The tools online allow me to keep track of my first grader's progress. It also gives my son positive feedback as he learns to read. My husband and I are both amazed at how quickly our son has learned to sound out words. We're very happy with Explode the Code online and consider it one of our best curriculum choices! -C.M. S.

All my kids have loved Explode The Code online! They love seeing there progress buttons and self-motivate to do better each time!

All my kids have loved Explode The Code online! They love seeing there progress buttons and self-motivate to do better each time! I love it because it monitors and tracks their progress for me, and adjusts if they need more work in a certain area! My two older kids love to help my two younger kids, they wish they could still do it! -Jayme S.

My six year old looks forward to Explode the Code online each day.

My six year old looks forward to Explode the Code online each day. I appreciate using that time to work with my older children. Very similar format to the books, only better, since there is no grading to do! -T. P.

Bought this for the 3 older children I adopted from China... All 3 love it.

Bought this for the 3 older children I adopted from China. They had been using the books but the online version is SOO much better because they can hear the words pronounced while they are reading the words. I only wish I had bough tit a year earlier ! All 3 love it (boys ages 19 and 12, girl age 12). -Catherine.

Thanks to Explode the Code, she is reading at a 2nd grade level! My 4-year-old son just began the program and he is reading many short words already!

I LOVE Explode the Code online as well as their workbooks. My daughter is almost 6 and we started her in the online program a little over a year ago. Thanks to Explode the Code, she is reading at a 2nd grade level! My 4-year-old son just began the program and he is reading many short words already! Not only are my children beginning to read, but the online program gives excellent computer skills! Both of my children love the program and enjoy doing it. Each level is graded by a score (we call them stickers) of a lady bug, bumblebee, paper airplane, etc...we have a reward system for each time they earn an airplane and it really encourages them! I highly reccommend this program to anyone. I will mention that I did decide to use their workbooks as a supplement for my son, which has helped him greatly. I plan on having my children complete this program. -Susan D.

I love that they move faster when they are already proficient in an area, and are provided review when they are not solid.

I have always been impressed with the Explode the Code workbooks, and have continued to be very pleased with the online version. It helps my children get through more material faster than they could in the workbook, and focusing on the areas where they struggle. I love that they move faster when they are already proficient in an area, and are provided review when they are not solid. There are not a lot of goofy graphics and distractions from the content, which I really like. I have used it with my first son, and am now using it again with my daughter. They both love their phonics time! -Talia K.

I love the fact that it tracks the kids' time in ETC, by date, in addition to reporting the academic progress. We'll definitely continue to use and will recommend for our grandchildren.

Should have switched to this a long time ago. Much easier to use than the books were. I don't have to grade papers! (Wahoo!) Immediate feedback for the kids. Wonderfully complete progress reports for parents. I love the fact that it tracks the kids' time in ETC, by date, in addition to reporting the academic progress. We'll definitely continue to use and will recommend for our grandchildren. -Midge C.

Love this program, I've used it for years with my 2 boys.

Love this program, I've used it for years with my 2 boys. Only phonics program that works for us & the boys can be independent with. -Becky.

I like that they can use it at their specific level.

My boys were struggling with written work. Allowing them to do their phonics on the computer has been a great motivation for them. They even look forward to it. I like that they can use it at their specific level, and I can view their results in the teacher files. -Amy K.

I appreciate being able to monitor her progress and see the areas she may need a little extra work with the reporting tools. I would recommend the online Explode the Code without reservation!

We used the Explode the Code book series during Kindergarten but by the first grade my little one was a bit bored with the format. We moved to the online Explode the Code and she is again engaged and enjoys her lessons. As the parent/teacher I appreciate being able to monitor her progress and see the areas she may need a little extra work with the reporting tools. I would recommend the online Explode the Code without reservation! -Jen.

I would recommend this to anyone, especially those with reluctant readers!

I have seen improvement in my son's reading ability since beginning explode the code online. He spends about 30 min. a day, 4 days a week, and does so without complaining. I would recommend this to anyone, especially those with reluctant readers! -C. F.

He will play this for hours if I would let him! I would highly recommend this to anyone looking for a fun and educational phonics program.

My ds8 loves this program. He loves the feedback he gets after each section and tries hard to get the paper airplane (the highest grade you can get). He will play this for hours if I would let him! He loves the workbooks and this combines very nicely with those or replaces them. They are almost identical to the workbook pages in content and ability. The only thing the online program doesn't have is handwriting (of course). I would highly recommend this to anyone looking for a fun and educational phonics program. -T. M.

My daughter had hit a plateau with reading and within three days�she began to advance again.

My daughter had hit a plateau with reading and within three days of using Explode the code online her reading skills began to advance again. Thank you! -Laura S.

We hit a brick wall with another phonics program, but Explode the Code Online revived our 7-yr-old son's interest in learning to read.

We hit a brick wall with another phonics program, but Explode the Code Online revived our 7-yr-old son's interest in learning to read. We are happy to be making progress again! -Amy.

My 5-year old son loves using this website�after only 2 weeks I'm seeing an improvement in his reading speed and the length of words and sentences he can read.

My 5-year old son loves using this website. He does it for 10-15 minutes per day and after only 2 weeks I'm seeing an improvement in his reading speed and the length of words and sentences he can read. I'm very impressed and it's so easy to use! We can stop at any point, and when we go back, just pick it right back up where we left off. Even my 3-year old son is interested in it and watches the whole time that my older son is working. -Bonnie.

It is like they don't even realize they are learning. We enjoy it.

My boys love playing the "game" and seeing how many butterflies they can get. It is like they don't even realize they are learning. We enjoy it. -Angie.

Explode the Code has been an increadible boost for my 2nd grader. His ability to 'de-code' words has enabled him to read and spell beyond his grade level.

Explode the Code has been an increadible boost for my 2nd grader. His ability to 'de-code' words has enabled him to read and spell beyond his grade level. We also had an emergency trip back to my homeland of Australia. Imagine my delight (and his disappointment) that he could continue his lessons over there. NONE of his other schooling came over! Thank You. -Anne L.

I like the online program because it saves me time.

My eight year old daughter has really enjoyed the online version of Explode-The -Code. I had used the workbooks with my older son, so I knew the program really helps students with reading and spelling. I like the online program because it saves me time--I don't have to check the workbooks because the program does it for me. We plan to continue using it. -Leslie.

My daughter who is dyslexic absolutely loves logging in every day. Learning to read has been such a struggle but this program I have to tell her it's time to do something else!�

ETC has been such a blessing to our family! My daughter who is dyslexic absolutely loves logging in every day. Learning to read has been such a struggle but this program I have to tell her it's time to do something else!�I have two new readers kinder age that love ETC also. My son who never sits well for any period of time asks every day to his ETC ! -T. K.

I love that it automatically chooses their next level based on performance and focuses on mastery.

This program was exactly what we needed this year. I am using it with my 7 year old son and 5 year old daughter. It is more like a game than school for them. They love earning the reward "buttons" after each short lesson.�I love that it automatically chooses their next level based on performance and focuses on mastery. Teaching phonics can be so tedious; it has been nice to have some time freed up to focus on my other children while my little ones work on their phonics skills. -Tammy M.

My son is developmentally delayed and very very dyslexic. Reading is hard for him and he hates reading 'programs'.�But Explode the Code online he will do.

My son is developmentally delayed and very very dyslexic. Reading is hard for him and he hates reading 'programs'.�But Explode the Code online he will do. He likes it much better than the books, I think partly because it's a computer and computers are cool, and also because of all the sounds and rewards and typing is easier for him than writing. Besides, it's Orton-Gillingham based and that seems to help him remember. -Miri M.

Explode the Code is great because it paces itself based on how the child is performing so it's never too fast or slow.

Our son who is 4 (almost 5) has been using Explode The Code for a little over a month now and he absolutely loves it. We had tried several reading curriculum for him before, but it seemed like some moved way to fast, and others too slow. Explode the Code is great because it paces itself based on how the child is performing so it's never too fast or slow. For us it is also better than a written curriculum since my son is working above his grade level (he was aching to learn to read). Most reading curriculums have a written portion and his muscle development was not up to the level of writing needed in some of them, but since Explode the Code Online involves typing, he is able to complete all of the tasks without that being an issue.� I'd highly recommend the curriculum, we really enjoy it. -Charlene H.

I love how i can set the daily requirement so we can pace ourselves through the material... Its a win in our house!!

We tried the workbooks this year for the first time, one day I caught my daughter looking back at a previous page to find the answer, which told me she wasn't mastering the material, We tried the web version for a different style that would force her focus on the sounds and words being presented. It has worked great, no complaining. I love how i can set the daily requirement so we can pace ourselves through the material.�My son also is using it, and its great for him because she struggles with hand writing and fine motor skills and doing this on the computer allows him to focus on the reading and phoncis and not forming the letters to write the answers.�It gives some variation to our school day to have some requires computer time versus all table work. Its a win in our house!! -Cynthia.

This is a product I would (and do) recommend to parents of quick learners as well as those with reading difficulties. It is also a product that can be used for working parents as there is no lesson planning or even teacher interaction needed.

We are using Explode the Code for our oldest two children, ages 8 and newly 7, and we are very pleased. It has been great filling in all the gaps for the 8 year old. It automatically progresses the child when he has mastered each step and allows him to test and skip the areas he already knows well. I am glad that we started the other child earlier. We plan to start our 5 year old soon. We used the workbooks while traveling, which I liked at the time to get in extra handwriting. But, the online version moves them along at such a quicker rate, to get them reading on their own sooner.�I have them work around 45 minutes each day and they enjoy seeing how many paper airplanes they can earn in that time, which is the highest award. They also are excited to see their progress at the end of each session on the teacher's page.�This is a product I would (and do) recommend to parents of quick learners as well as those with reading difficulties. It is also a product that can be used for working parents as there is no lesson planning or even teacher interaction needed. -Mom o.

I teach children with autism and they really enjoy using this program.

I teach children with autism and they really enjoy using this program. I love the data reports, which allow me to individualize my teaching strategies. -M. S.

I love how easy it is for me to keep up with their progress. Honestly, the "teacher login page" has more information than I need! It's so comprehensive with tons of details

After just one month with our online subscription to ETC I am already confident it is helping my girls with their reading and spelling skills.�I love how easy it is for me to keep up with their progress. Honestly, the "teacher login page" has more information than I need! It's so comprehensive with tons of details.�My 5 and 7 year olds are making great progress and I'm sure ETC is helping. It'll definitely be something we keep purchasing as my other children "grow into" ETC. I'm recommending it to friends as well.�(note: I've never used the book version.) -Laura K.

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Explode The Code Online powered by CurriculaWorks is an award-winning foundational reading skills program that utilizes an Orton-Gillingham approach.


If you purchase a subscription from us today and your child uses our reading skills program for 20 minutes a day, five days a week, for eight weeks, we guarantee that your child will learn to read. If not, or you are unhappy for any reason, we'll refund your money, no questions asked. We offer this guarantee because we have seen how thousands of children have mastered reading because of Explode The Code Online Powered by CurriculaWorks. Join our team of successful readers today!

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