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Research is our Backbone

 “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler.”


-Albert Einstein


Dare to take on the tough learning challenges, strive to improve to be your very best, and we will help.  For more than ten years, Curriculaworks has created innovative learning tools that have faced the toughest challenges.


Curriculaworks’ core competency is building adaptive research-based learning software that works effectively in authentic education and operational environments.  All of our products are built from a foundation of research, led by imaginative R&D teams that understand how to bring theory into practice in robust learning tools.




We began by tackling one of the most critical educational challenges of our time: literacy.  Literacy is a gateway skill and opens up all future educational opportunities. How can we accelerate literacy acquisition for struggling learners?  Our first commercial product, Explode the Code ® Online, powered by Curriculaworks, is a cross-platform, data-driven and adaptive literacy software that uses state-of-the-art client-server technologies.  It is an individualized eLearning system grounded in research on literacy acquisition for struggling readers and neuropsychological research on the development of complex cognition. It is also so easy to use, a 5 year old can do the program without assistance. 


We help people make meaningful learning gains by providing tools that are simple, effective and fun. If you would like to learn more about our services or partnership opportunities, please contact us.


Deanna Terzian


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